Uber vs. Lyft

This article is going to discuss the pros and cons of Uber and Lyft.  Also, this article will discuss the differences between the two companies.

Uber vs. Lyft

Wikimedia Image of Lyft Vehicle

Both companies use an app to control ride requests and show you the route.  They are similar in costs and benefits.  Uber, being larger, has more vehicles on the road and more rides to pick you up.  Although, the companies are similar, a Uber ride will have less informal passenger – driver communication.  Lyft prides itself that their drivers are more personable.  They even state according to NPR: “The driver is your friend with a car”.  Also, riders are encouraged to ride in the front seat.  Lyft also only has one type of car; whereas, Uber has an option to upgrade the vehicle for luxury uses if you want. Also, they can have a speedier arrival to pick you up as well.  They state that they’re “everyone’s private driver”.

Pricing and Ride

The prices for both companies are approximately $1.00 to get picked up, then $1.50 for each mile and an additional quarter of a cent for each minute.  This is still a better price than a cab because they cost about $2.00 for a mile.  The problem with ride-sharing is supply vs. demand.  They both charge extra depending on the time of day or area.  Lyft has raised their prices 200% while Uber 800% in select areas.

Flickr Image of Uber App and Car By: Automobile Italia

Also, if you do not have money on you because you pay with the app, you will not be able to tip the Uber driver on the app; unlike the Lyft app.

According to Ridester, overall, your choice really depends on where you live and what type of ride service you will need.  Also, both companies have pros and cons.  If you are a business professional, I would choose Uber unless you are in the city due to added costs.  If you have a family, and are not in a professional situation, I would choose Lyft because of personableness.  To further your research, visit CNET.  Below is a video about which is safer and why.